Beginner Witchcraft Books
There is a lot of great information out there for new or beginning witches. When you are first discovering witchcraft it is a good idea to read about it first. One problem is that there are so many books on witchcraft, some good and some bad that it is difficult to choose what to read. The first thing I suggest is to look at your local library. Yes, in most places it is possible to find books on witchcraft, Wicca, spell casting, magick and book of shadows. Not everything in the library is great stuff, but it is a good place to start and it is free.
Some familiar authors that you may still find available are:
Raymond Buckland
Scott Cunningham
Raven Grimassi
Patricia Telesco
Amber K
Silver Ravenwolf
Christopher Penczak
These are just a couple of the most familiar authors that have been around for a while. There are still more to choose from. The one thing I recommend is reading everything with an open mind. Question everything you are told, read or hear. The one important thing about witchcraft is it is not a belief system but more of an experience. It isn’t so much what you believe as it is what you do. I have read and still read many books from many different authors. Some I can relate to and agree with completely and some I think to myself this is crap. I make these judgments based on my own experiences. As a new Witch with very little experience in the craft, it may be difficult to sift through the different do and don’t ideas and philosophies. There are many ways to practice witchcraft. There are many forms. There are many different traditions and pantheons and ways of doing a ritual or spell.
It is about finding what is right for you.
There are a few of books that I recommend that you consider reading as a place to begin.
Click on the books for more information or to purchase the book.
Compilation of Short Stories, Poems, and Thoughts
by Summer Song
On a journey as a Witch, life offers lessons in its ebb and flow. Taking what life throws on the sacred path of life, Summer writes from her heart. From her path as a student Witch to a teacher.
Here is a glimpse into the private life of a Witch. This is a small compilation of short stories, poems, and thoughts that provide a point of view from different aspects of her life. It is a reflection of the good and the bad times in life.
From Love to loss with personal notes of encouragement, Summer uses the art of written language on her path of healing and growth.
Solitary Witch
The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation
This book has everything a teen Witch could want and need between two covers: a magickal cookbook, encyclopedia, dictionary, and grimoire. It relates specifically to today’s young adults and their concerns, yet is grounded in the magickal work of centuries past.
To Light A Sacred Flame
Practical Witchcraft for the Millennium
Originally released in 1999, this bestselling guide to magickal practices-based on the experiences and successes of a third-degree working Witch-has been revised and updated! Written for today’s seeker,To Light a Sacred Flame contains techniques that unite divinity with magick, knowledge, and humor.
To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft
Selling more than 300,000 copies, this popular guide to the Craft has been helping a new generation of Witches-those practicing or wishing to practice the Craft on their own for over a decade. Filled with Silver RavenWolf’s warmth, humor, and personal anecdotes, To Ride a Silver Broomstick introduces the science and religion of the craft.
Seven Ways to Effective Magic
Spellcaster addresses the theoretical and practical background of magic-exploring how magical energies operate and manifest. The seven essays represent different approaches and traditions-including Wicca, Hermetic Magick, Northern traditions, and freeform Natural Magick. The wisdom collected here is meant to inspire and empower beginners and less experienced magic users, so they may go on to safely and confidently customize their own magical practice.
Witchcraft on a Shoestring
Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget
From homemade tools to frugal feasts to thrifty home decoration, Deborah Blake offers economical tips and suggestions for stretching your dollar while enriching your practice. She gives clear, simple instructions for making your own magickal oils, runes, tarot cards, candles, jewelry, charms, and wands, all using inexpensive materials. Choose from over fifty ways to practice Witchcraft that cost little or no money, and more than forty recipes for tasty sabbat dishes that cost ten dollars or less.
A few of books that I read first that stirred up a bunch of questions as well as answered a couple when I was trying to figure out what witchcraft is these 3 books.
Faery Wicca, Book 1
Theory and Magick, a Book of Shadows and Lights
Undertake an apprenticeship guided by the only published authentic teachings of Faery Wicca. Gain a comprehensive understanding of this old folk faith’s beliefs, history and practices. Explore the Celtic pantheon, Celtic division of the year, and the fairies of the Tuatha De Danann and their descendants. Discover the magickal symbols and alphabets used to encode the teachings of the Mysteries, create a Celtic Shield and much more.

The Shamanic Practices of the Cunning Arts
Resume your study of the Faery Realm in part II of the Faery Wicca Series. Deepen your focus on the tradition’s shamanic practices as you release your inner teacher, undergo the ritual of rebirth, explore methods of meditation, including shapeshifting and seership, and enter the realm of transformation. Your experience culminates in the Land of Faery, where you meet the Faery King and Queen!
Celtic Myth & Magick
Harness the Power of the Gods and Goddesses
Human and divine energies complement each other; when joined, they become a potent catalyst for true magick and change. Celtic Myth & Magick describes the energies of over 300 cross-referenced Celtic deities and heroic figures so you can quickly determine which one can best help you in attaining specific goals through magick―such as greater prosperity (Cernunnos), glowing health (Airmid), or a soul partner (Aengus MacOg).
I know Barnes & Nobles also has a small section of books. I think this section is called New Age, Wicca, Witchcraft and in the one near me, they have it with a few tarot decks, science fiction, books about psychics like Sylvia Brown across from the True crime section. Surprisingly enough, it is right as you walk into the giant children’s section in my local store. Ask an employee where you might find new age section and they can usually direct you to it. Amazon has a whole list of books on witchcraft, magick, spell-casting and Wicca to choose from. Before you seek a teacher, coven, grove or group I suggest you do a bit of research and some reading first.
If you can find books written by Doreen Valiente you will find a lot of great writings that are used in Various Wiccan rituals.
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