Blue Raven Shop
The Blue Raven started in 2014 as a fun idea over coffee with a friend. After coffee, we went for a walk and found a shop that was closing! Within one week, I had a lease and a shop to create! Slowly, the shop grew into a unique offering of local artists' jewelry, fair trade clothing and accessories, meditation supplies, incenses, essential oils, crystals, and smudge supplies. At the same time, the shop was growing business in retail was falling off in our small town. It was very sad to realize that retail business in the physical world was slowly dying. Even though The Blue Raven was well received, it simply could not compete with online sales. In October of 2016, the physical location was closed. Now, The Blue Raven will offer much of the same merchandise in an online manifestation, available to anyone with a computer! I hope to continue to offer items that enrich your life with Spirit and adornment.
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