I love Samhain and this time of year, the veil between the worlds grows thin as winter approaches, I believe that fall is one of the between times which makes it a powerful time of year. Halloween themes come from lore about the dead, witchcraft, and of course, this time of year spooky spiders are ready to mate and lay their egg sacks. As Winter approaches bugs like spiders seem to find their way into the house and around living space. Since I live in the Northern Hemisphere, my mind is on the season at hand. The season of Fall.
There are many cultures that celebrate and honor the dead and in my culture, All Hallows Eve is celebrated all over the country. It is both a Pagan holiday and a Christian holiday although some branches of Christianity will disagree.
I live on the west coast of the United States. Here in California where I live, many people celebrate the day of the dead and Halloween. The celebrations are different in many ways, but some of the themes blend well. In Wicca which used to be one tradition of witchcraft, Samhain is a time of year to honor the dead. It is said that on Samhain the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is at it’s thinnest and it is the best time of year to try to contact those who have passed on.
In some traditions, a place is set for deceased loved ones just in case they come for a visit. There are many traditions of modern day Halloween that is believed to come from the old Pagans around the time when Christianity was making its move across Europe. Today, I love the Urban legends, parties, costumes and diverse traditions that are infused with various cultures from around the world.
I have been considering If I were to try to contact a specific spirit, who would I try to contact? I haven’t been able to decide. But there are a few loved ones whom I will be remembering this Samhain/Hallows Eve. When I was a young teen, my family lost a small infant to Myocarditis. It isn’t a genetic disease but an infection in the myocardium or heart wall. I never met that particular Niece, but in respect and honor for my sister, I remember her. I will likely call my sister who usually becomes very depressed this time of year considering her little baby passed away just a couple of weeks following Halloween.
I have two friends who left a significant impact on my life who have passed away that I will be honoring with my memories. One was a witch who was murdered by two boys that he trusted to be his friends and the other was a lovely woman who lived in the apartment directly below me. Kelvin, the one who was murdered, taught me very important lessons and helped me grow as a young witch. He too was new to witchcraft, but he was more advanced in his practices than I was. I will never forget him.
Delores, a middle-aged devout Catholic woman who didn’t speak English which is the only language I speak, became my only friend during a time in my life when I was isolated in an abusive marriage. She would come up to visit me and while she spoke in her dialect of Spanish, I caught a few words that were familiar to me. She didn’t like Americans. I am sure in the area that we lived, she was treated poorly because she didn’t speak English. I was probably more lonely than she was because she had her husband and children who loved her and I had no one but her. I was devastated when she passed away. Her life will be honored in my memories.
All over the world, the one thing we all have in common right now, at this moment, is we are in the between times. Here in the Northern Hemisphere is fall and in the Southern Hemisphere is spring. My most favorite seasons of the year.
Please share your story about lost loved ones in your life whom you would like to remember this season in the comments below. What is your favorite memory?
I am a wiccen n I’d love to learn. More n read more I live in Wisconsin n no one seems to know what they r talking about
The most person isn’t a person but a pet. My pet rat sneezy I had him for ever it seemed! He lived well beyond a rat living span,kept me company being that I’m an only child. He would snuggle his wet noise between my arm and my belly and while I was with child would run to follow my child’s movement. How I miss him so!
This is easily my favorite time of year too and I think it’s safe to assume it’s most witches’ favorite time of year! Certainly each witch I know can’t get enough of fall and winter, that wonderful, dark but glimmering in-between time. I’ve already had a lot of great experiences this season, including discovering a beautiful young buck skull at the beginning of fall that now graces one of my altars and having some very interesting graveyard meditations. There is so much to be learned and gained during this season if you slow down, tune in and connect with the earth and the spirits. I kind of can’t stand all the modern, mainstream commercial halloween rubbish and “dumbing down” of the most solemn, sacred and magickal of sabbats. But at least the awareness of death and shadows is there in some form or other for “muggles”, even if they still have to make light of it in order to even approach it. Just wish such people could see what they”re missing out on by not knowing the true origins and meanings of Samhain.
Hi Sunny,
I’m really lovin this app so far & its articles.
I lost both my mom and my grandma my mom in Sept 03 and my gma in Dec 07. I think of them both often and feel them around me constantly. I are their faces at random times in the faces of random ppl & when u look closely the person loos nothing like them. Thats when I think they’re just popping in to say hi, we’re here watching over u, and doing it in a way that won’t scare me. Lol. My mom used to always tell me she was a witch and that made me a witch. I thought she was kidding, but was it a coincidence that my birthmark was a distinct bat u could actually outline ur finger or a pen and are it clearly. I now have a tattoo covering it. Idk if mom was serious or not but I have always had a knack for feeling things….danger….shady ppl ..situations…lies…u know a gut feeling that tells me “somethings” not right, beware. We also, when my mom was alive, used to have some saying about “pennies from heaven” I forget what it was now but its funny when all of a sudden we’ll start finding pennies all over the house. We alwys say hi to mom :-}
I dabble in tarot but Im not very confident in my reads. Although the few friends I’ve read for say it had an impact on them & that my read was relevant to what was going on. So Idk…
Btw, I also live in northern Cali, the west. Sonoma County actually and I’m living all the colors of the season right now. Not enjoying the cold temps so much but warm weather comes back around just when I start thinking I can’t take the cold and rain anymore. :-}
Thanks Sunny ☀
Excuse my errors. Im on a “smart phone” lol
Just found this app, how wonderful it is! I’m learning, I am very intuitive I think I haven’t wanted to acknowledge it or was kinda afraid of my gifts. I believe in spirits and have seen many. I lost my 7 year in a car accident and she turns off street lights when I take my daughter to school in the morning, just one at a time. I wanted to thank you I had know idea that now is the “thinnest” time between us and those we’ve lost(spirits)? My daughter gets woke up by a spirit every now and then, it just happened yesterday where she got shook really hard and was told to get up! Anyone have anything like this? Should I do a cleansing?
Cleansing won’t hurt as well as a banishing and make sure to close any open gateways. Some believe that reflective surfaces such as mirrors serve as a gateway. I personally would put a protective shield around my child and I would make an amulet for her to wear. “recharge” it every moon cycle or as often as you feel the need for it. Anytime is a great time for a protection spell.
Many blessings.