This has been a question for me since I read my first book on Witchcraft. As a Child and even in my teen years, I have always been an awkward and shy social butterfly. I grew up Christian. When I was a Christian, I loved going to church. Not for the sermons and Sunday School lessons, but for the social aspects of it. Although, I knew I didn’t really fit in, I still enjoyed being around others. Especially if they were having a good time. I often was quietly watching the festivities of my peers from my invisible place near a corner or wall a short distance away.
As I grew older, I learned to be a little more involved socially. I was forced to interact with co-workers and was learning to speak up in front of people. At first I was very awkward and I constantly told myself, “don’t let them see you sweat”. As I moved through life I have always had just that one friend that I hung out with. I always felt awkward in groups. When I discovered Wicca, I found a public group. The first time I went to a group function was Samhain or Halloween. It was a celebration. I was so afraid that I sat back in a corner with a mask over my face all night. I did what I usually did. Found a corner of the room and watched the festivities as I sat there alone. It happened to be the first time I ever went to a new place completely alone, beside work or a new school.
I eventually met some people and relaxed a little. Ran out of the celebration at midnight like I was going to turn into a pumpkin. I kept going back and I was eventually politely informed that I was expected to participate with the group if I were to attend. It was expected of everyone. I found some really great Witches through this group and a very special Coven. I was taught a lot by these witches. There was one in particular that quickly became my mentor. I learned how to practice witchcraft not only on my own as a solitary witch but with a group.
I enjoyed working with the group, but I didn’t feel comfortable joining the coven. Isn’t it what every Witch wants to do? Wasn’t it expected of me? To join a Coven was my obligation if I wanted to become a real Witch. Joining a coven was a huge commitment and it seemed so close knit. A very tight circle. I was so uncomfortable with it. I knew if I joined a group like this my awkwardness would be blazingly obvious to everyone in the group.
Part of me wanted to take the plunge. I wanted to belong somewhere. I wanted to fit in with a group…but…I was afraid. I was afraid of being exposed. My darkest secret that I am actually very shy. Everyone would know and they would most definitely see me sweat. However, I did practice and learn from a couple of Covens over the years as well as on my own and from individual teachers. I never have yet to actually be initiated into a coven although I did complete a self-dedication. I have always managed to keep just on the outside of the group even though I enjoyed practicing with the Covens and public groups.
I currently practice with a Coven as I keep my own personal solitary practice going strong, spiritually connected and very individually designed. I have discovered that for me, I can be a part of a group. I can be accepted for all of my weird, awkwardness and still be true to myself and the craft as a solitary witch. For me, I discovered that essentially, every witch’s spiritual and magickal practices lay within their own personal and private spiritual and magickal practices during their own moments of solitude.
Some witches happen to belong to groups and share experiences that are both spiritual and social and for me it is tremendously fun. I enjoy meeting with others on Sabbats and esbats. I enjoy the all out celebrating and group rituals. I have also come to the realization that neither experience is “better” than the other. They are both different and both have their pros and cons. I realize that both the group experience and the solitary experience compliment each other. We are responsible for our own spiritual development and it is not necessary, at least in my opinion to be initiated into a coven or other closed and tight knit group. It is all worth experiencing and I love and benefit from both ways of practicing.
I finally understand that although I may belong to, practice and celebrate with a like-minded group, I am and always will be a Solitarian.
P.S. I’d love to hear how you like to practice. Do you prefer to be alone or with a group?
I rather be alone when I practice
I would rather find a small group. Any takers?
Alice, I think small groups are great. Where did you want to form the group? Online or a physical location? If you are seeking to start a small group in a physical location, what area are you in? if online, would you begin a group on Facebook or google+ or some other online place? If you do an online group, I would be interested in joining for the purpose of fellowship with like-minded people. You are welcome to join me on facebook. Just send me a friend request and a quick message to let me know you found me through Here is a link to my facebook profile, I just recently created a Google+ too although I am still trying to figure it out. You can add me here,
I hope you find a great group. 🙂
I’d love to find a group online. I’m new to the craft and I’m honestly very lost. Perhaps it is better for me if I find people.
I like having a group and it is easier to progress if you can be guided by a more experienced witch. Be careful with the group you select. Not all people are nice, trustworthy or have good intentions. There are some good groups on Facebook and Google+ you can join. Just feel them out and be aware not all opinions are the same or right for you personally. Use your judgement and instincts. As with any group of strangers be careful and use caution if you decide to meet anyone in person. Make sure you meet publically for the first few times and use the same precautions you would use to meet a blind date.
I’m still learning how to practice. I would like to fellowship with like minded people.if you do start an online group I would like to participate.
There are many groups on FB if you venture there. You will have to look around and join a few groups to find the right one. the best part is you can always leave them if you don’t like them. there are also some groups on Google+ too. I search Wicca, witchcraft, pagan. I found one for Hekate which is a nice group.
oh and there are traditional witchcraft forums on the internet too if you are not fond of Wicca. It’s a matter of finding them.
On my path so far I have definitely found pros and cons of both group and solitary practices but more cons for group than solitary. and more pros for solitary! You just have to be careful out there, for one thing, when looking to be part of any type of pagan or magickal practice group, whether it is an eclectic group (these can especially have a lot of pitfalls, unfortunately), a focused coven, grove or kindred, or even a casual study group. There are certainly benefits from groups and it’s nice to have a least some kind of social circle or occasional group practice of like-minded people, but I prefer and get the most from my solitary experiences and think that is always a great place to start, something everyone should do to at least some extent, and should always be respected.
Hey! Would you mind if I share your blog with my twitter group?
There’s a lot of people that I think would really enjoy your content.
Please let me know. Many thanks
You can share links to this blog on your social media sites or with friends. 🙂 I think it is always good to share opinions so that we can challenge ourselves and our own personal opinions for the purpose of personal growth.
I am solitary practitioner of Witchcraft and a follower of Wicca. Although Iam touch with some covens. I prefer to be on my own. Partly because I choose to worship gods and goddesses pretty much outside some Wicca circles and covens. And my methods are a Hodge podge of many practices merge with my own. But they are my own. And that’s what I believe to be the true nature of practicing Witchcraft and Wicca. It is like Shamanism. Which is a solitary spiritual magickal path . And Shamanism is pretty much connected to witchcraft which is undeniably connected to Wicca. This is my belief and i don’t expect everyone to share it. This is a great post. Thank you it helped me to reaffirm my beliefs. And to grow in them.
Thank you Richard. I agree with you that Wicca and Witchcraft are definitely connected. Wicca has a lot of world spirituality influence all throughout the beliefs pulled together into a religious concept. I have been a solitary witch for at least the last 17 years although I have practiced with a couple of Covens and some other solitary practitioners from time to time. I am not even sure if I could do a full moon magickal esbat with others these days and still be effective. Although I have been considering starting a group of my own. It seems all the good groups are already full. As a solitary we often need to affirm our own practices and beliefs by hearing what others think and believe.
i’ve always been a solitary practitioner ever since i started practicing witchcraft 4 years ago. I think with being a solitary practitioner you can make your rituals much more personal without conforming to a group.
Great Point. That has always been a huge point with me being a solitary too. I find that practicing with a group, the group sometimes expects you to agree with the stuff that doesn’t fit into my personal scope of things. It’s not about being right or wrong but more about personal style, preference, and choice.
Hi, i am a girl of Irish and German origin and i have been mesmerized by Wicca and Witchcraft these days. I want to join and become a witch but i don’t know how to. Please refer me to someone that can teach me in Wicca. I have a Facebook account, can we communicate there?
I think your interest in Wicca and Witchcraft is great. I wish I could direct you specifically to an individual to help you initiate and learn. You can message me on Facebook at SummerSong Facebook Profile I can refer you to books and online people whom you might be able to learn from.
There are many books on Wicca and some schools online for you to look into and consider. Most of the groups I personally know are closed groups. There are some open public groups to look for. Covenant of the Goddess might be able to help you connect with people.
May the Lord and Lady walk with you and guide you.