One of the main points of Witchcraft is using spells that work. As I look over many sites online I see a lot of spells that are sensical and some that make no sense at all. The ones that make no sense at all have no real purpose. These are the ones done for fun and entertainment. Not so much the point of real witchcraft. Nothing against Wiccans since it is primarily a religion, but when a Wiccan says, Oh I don’t use spells, I have to wonder why. Okay, Wiccans are not all witches although that is how Wicca started out. Being a witch and learning how to change things in my life was a big deal for me when I first found Wicca and Witchcraft.
On a full moon, I do a ritual. In this ritual, I include some form of magick most of the time. I have to admit that on some esbats, I simply honor the feminine spirit in me and all around me in this vast Universe of existence. Sometimes I do something to help me or a loved one, and sometimes it is to improve the community around me. Maybe to help my neighbors see the world that is full of diversity from a broader perspective. There have been times I have simply sat quietly in my circle and simply focused on a mutual understanding between us and our neighbors so they won’t be afraid of me and I won’t have to be afraid of their reactions to me and witchcraft. Sometimes, I will do a spell to protect us and others in the neighborhood from the closed minded troublemakers who are trying to get a mob together to attack the Witch on the block.
When we think of doing spells we think of doing them for different reasons. That is why there are so many sites with silly spells that are likely a hit among the very young who simply want to do magic tricks and slight of hand, such as changing the color of their eyes, to impress and entertain their friends. To me, that is alright as long as there is an awareness that real witches don’t take that seriously.
For real witches, we take magick very seriously and we want real spells for real reasons. For some, it is to find a lost pet, friend, or personal object that has some sentimental value. ok not very serious to some but the bottom line of this type of spell is to alleviate the grief of loss by finding what is lost. Some, want to bring back a lost love. Again, this is a desire based on the actual feeling of grief caused by loss. Some are looking for spells to find them a love. Sounds pretty safe if it works the way it is planned or intended. This is often a spell chosen for those who find themselves alone and feel the loneliness of being alone. The desire to find someone to share our thoughts, feelings, and lives with is a very human and a natural desire. After all, people are gregarious in nature and we all desire a healthy human interpersonal/connected relationship with other human beings.
Sometimes a feeling of loneliness can be that disconnected feeling in a huge city filled with other humans and some who can never seem to feel connected, leaving a very lonely heart isolated in a sea of faces.
With just these few examples, we can see that the old saying, Be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it, is an actual insight of being certain of what you truly desire. Spells that work are the ones that you, your very self, have made up. You can peruse other people’s spell books and use them as a foundation, but the most powerful spells that work are the ones that you design. The one that you write.
I am going to bring up Some Wiccan thoughts here for just a second. In the Wiccan Rede, one paragraph states
“When the moon rides at her peak, then your heart’s desire seek.”
That is a very important statement when it comes to magick and spells that work. Magick, now that is a simplistic yet complicated thing to use. It is simplistic because we all are taught that spells work according to one’s will, intent, and desire for the object or our outcome.
To make your spell work, you have to know what you truly desire and what you truly desire has to be in agreement with the universe or all that exists. The other thing about spells that work is when a spell works well or perfectly, it is because we understand and know what we truly desire, because you see, magick knows what your heart’s true desire is and if you are asking for one thing but your heart wants something different, and the universe knows that it really isn’t what you need right now, so, it is not in agreement.
You may ask for someone to love you, but instead it backfires and turns out that the person has no love for you, but it becomes an obsession instead. Or, you do a spell to find a true love to stand by your side and instead of a knight in shining armor you get some creep who is using you to either stay in the country or out of prison or worse, some Psycho who is going to torture you in every psychological and emotional way possible.
I have found, for me, in my experience, the more specific and detailed I get with my spell, as long as I keep it simplistic as I can be, and if I truly be honest with myself and contemplate the real reason for the spell, What my heart really wants, then, my spells work great. Yes, I have had spells backfire and I have had spells not work at all. And I’ve had many that were successful and turned out wonderfully, sometimes even a blessing in disguise.
Your thoughts create reality because life is what we perceive it to be and how we feel creates an energy that attracts like to us. How we feel, creates a thought and thoughts inspire action and action creates a response. We have the gift of reason and if you want your spell to work, make it a spell worth creating.
Above all, keep in mind, Every single experience we have is another opportunity to learn something valuable. Pay attention and when all is said and done, use retrospection or hindsight to learn from your experiences. Ask questions and learn from the experiences of others as well. Don’t regret your choices, learn from them. Take responsibility for your decisions but always learn from them.
If you want your spells to work, Know thyself.
In Love and Light,
Why do feel the need to manipulate the neighbors to so anything? The control freak attitude. ? I can see using things for sel help and guidance but leave your neighbors alone. Let them do there own thing
If you are referring to MY neighbors, who were fully in attack mode on me because I am a witch and just so you know, THEY were messing with me not the other way around. I have a right and an obligation to defend myself. I am not expected to Turn the other Cheek, I am not a Christian and I don’t have to allow someone to abuse me or cause me harm. Too bad you don’t agree and think that you should take abuse. but I disagree with accepting or enduring abuse of any kind. I have done my protection spell and they have found a happier place to live. Win – win for everyone. I have a right and an obligation to protect myself and to defend myself. I didn’t do anything to my neighbors, they did it to themselves. A reflection spell only reflects what the OTHER party is doing back to them. I did no harm so I can do as I will even as a Wiccan, I am not helpless and I will NOT tolerate being attacked. My motto is “Never mistake my kindness for weakness”. I may do no harm, but I am not going to take abuse. Blessed Be!
Fantastic article! I am, however, left with two questions:
1. If I wanted to do a spell to help me get a particular home, should I ask for the home or the money for it? The home is available, but the funds are tight.
2. Forgive my ignorance and I promise I’m not picking in any way, but the reflection spell doesn’t negate the Rede? If they mean you harm but the spell reflects it back, would that then harm them? I have a feeling I’m overcomplicating this…
First I would like to address the Rede Question. It is my belief that a reflection spell is a mere reflection of what someone is sending toward you. It is their intentions not yours that is affecting them. When I do a reflection spell it is like putting up a mirror and them seeing an image of themselves looking back at them. It is their own karma, their own actions, their own will and intention that is affecting them. If their intentions are pure and helpful and good, they will feel the power of their own good intentions. My intentions when doing a reflection spell is to put up a shield that stops their intentions from affecting me and like light it is reflected back in the direction in which it came. My intentions are not to cause harm. My will is not that harm comes to them. My intentions and will is simply to shield and block and send their own intentions back to them so what happens to them is the consequences of their own actions. Lets say someone wanted me fired so I did a spell to get them fired. That is not a reflection spell. That is a spell with an intent to cause harm. But a reflection spell is simply reflecting their own intentions back to them. Often when I do a spell of any kind I add and it harm none so mote it be. When I have done my reflection spells, the only thing that happens to them is instead of whatever they intend to happen to me comes back to them instead. A long time ago, my ex went around to all my neighbors telling them I am a witch after I specifically asked him to keep that to himself because people don’t understand witchcraft and are afraid of it. The neighbors were frightened just as expected. People attack what they don’t understand. The attacks began. They called the police several times a day with petty complaints, stabbed my car tires, complained to the land lord about petty things trying to get me out of their neighborhood. I did a reflection protection spell. The Police then stopped their harassment by telling them if they called again they would get arrested. When they complained to the landlord specifically because we had two vehicles, the landlord replied with, they are zoned for two vehicles, you have four, you are not zoned for four vehicles, you have to remove two of them or you will be evicted. I did not do a spell to get anyone in trouble. I did a reflection spell. Their own intent was reflected back to them. One ended up in jail, one couple ended up evicted for not paying rent, one couple got better jobs and a bigger house and moved and the other, moved across the street next to another witch friend of mine. It is their own consequences of their own actions, their own Karma. My intent was simply to stop the harassment and live in peace. However, I have to add that these neighbors all came to my front door and confronted me at which time I was able to diffuse the fear and attacks and for the remainder of the time they all lived next door they decided I was actually a very nice person. We are all responsible for our own actions and our own intent. I had no ill intent. What they sent out came back to them. As far as Wicca goes, in Wiccan belief there is this belief that what you send out comes back to you times three. Had I done a spell to get them in trouble or cause harm, it would have come back to me in a negative way. recently, I did a similar spell to stop a neighbor from causing me harm. It was simply to prevent her from causing harm to me and my household. This neighbor and two neighbors who followed her moved out for reasons unrelated to me. They are happy in their new place and I am happy they are not here causing me grief.
As far as wanting a house, I would do a spell to get the house I could afford. But you can do a spell to get the house you want and if it is what you truly desire and the universe is in agreement then the funds will become available. That’s how it works for me anyway. Have you tried a vision board? I found asking for money doesn’t work for me. For me, I get the objects I ask for that money can buy but not the money. I don’t believe the universe recognizes money itself. But it depends on you and your psychology. If you want a 2 million dollar house but you work part time at burgers are us, you are not likely to get that house unless you are taking action to get a suitable job, business, or other monetary venture that could bring you the funds for that house. It is part will, intent, desire and action. If you want something and deep down you know you can’t afford it or you don’t feel you deserve it, then it is not likely to manifest the way you intend. That is my belief. I hope that helps clear things up. 🙂 With magick, when you have that aha! moment on something it can be amazing.
I have to say I am very sorry for the grief you have been given by your neighborhood and comments above. Reflection spells do exactly what you said, they turn any intentions directed at you back at the original messenger. When you end a spell with harm non you are specific in saying you are not wanting to hurt or harm anyone,it is just a protection clause in there too make sure to negate any ill will. You have every right to protect yourself from religious racism. Recently I had “friend” whom I helped further their career and when he got to a position that gave him an option to step on my toes and take away my hold on a particular project that involved raising money for environmental protection agencies he deliberately removed my position and decided he no longer needed me and decided to do a different event at my spot on my annual fundraiser date and completely turned his back on me and I did nothing about it. After reading the above I feel much better, from here if out I WILL NOT ALLOW OTHERS to harm me or get in my way of good. Do you have any suggestions for me, I obviously do not want to harm him or anyone he involved in this sabatoge but do feel walked all over and hurt . what should I do to make sure this person doesn’t continue to do this to me or others.
That is a tough situation. Emotions play a big role in magick so getting to an emotional place to consider what to do, it is important to check what you are truly feeling. Remember the Universe knows what you truly desire and that is what it draws on. If you are still employed with this person, it may be difficult to do something without wanting him to catch fire. 😛 . Realize that what he did was unethical and also hurtful. I had a similar thing happen only I ended up let go and they did away with my position. At the time, I realized I just wanted Justice for what happened. I was Railroaded out of my job without good reason. So, I did a justice spell with the intent of a truth spell. Then I took action. I walked right over to the Unemployment office and filed for unemployment. I told the truth from my perspective, gave the names of those involved and went home. Not only did I immediately receive my first unemployment check before the two week waiting period was up, I soon found that the owners of the company made changes that affected every single one of those women. All the ones involved became so miserable with the changes that they left the company. I was invited back to the company and when I needed a good reference the most to gain a position as a supervisor I got such a good reference from them that I was immediately hired for the job I desired.
I don’t feel that it is wrong to ask for justice. Justice to hold someone accountable for their actions. Justice also works when you are hurt or angry and instead of his pants catching on fire you managed send his own actions back to him times three. Justice is a little different than a reflection spell. A reflection spell is handling a current attack, event, or whatever back instantly. Justice is for when they did it and you were affected and so you want Justice for the wrong.
I add truth and clarity to those around the person will see the truth and make decisions with this person in mind with clear exposed knowledge of what this person has done. When my friend was murdered, With help from my elders we did a justice spell and they were arrested within three days. They confessed even. I don’t feel that I did harm because they went to jail. I feel justice was served. I don’t feel I did any harm to the girls or the company. If you carefully word your spell for justice and truth or exposure of the injustice of the harm caused to you and you can add that it harm none. Just keep in mind when you do a spell to expose the truth, it exposes it all even the truth about you. What you send out comes back.
There is a natural cycle in the universe, holding someone accountable, responsible and sitting back and feeling satisfied as justice/consequences takes place is part of how I believe the universe works.
The three fold law is a law of consequence. Hope that is helpful.
Thank u so much for this article. It was exactly what I needed.
Blessings to you.
I have been able to make the wind blow but I can’t get a bird to become my familar how can I
Get a bird to come to me?
Well, that is a good question. I believe that our familiars find us on their own. I don’t believe we can force it to happen. Instead of focusing on a bird specifically, try being open to whatever may come to you. You may be surprised that it may be a chipmunk or even something as ordinary as a dog or cat. If you are meant to have a bird as your familiar, a bird may come to you but not necessarily in the way you expect. Keep an open mind because the Universe may have plans for you that you don’t know about. One thing in life that I have discovered is that Timing is everything and everything happens in its own time.
Can i make a wish in the comment?
I don’t have a problem with wish magick at all. 🙂 I have been wishing for Jesus to come back. Guess I haven’t wished hard enough. hahahaha I crack myself up. On a serious note, as long as it doesn’t violate the terms you can write your wish in the comments if you like.
Lol…Summer, ur not the only one u crack up! I realize this article was totally serious, but seriously, parts of it We’re hilarious.
Ya know, I just wrote a comment prior to this and low n behold u ended up saying, very eloquently, I might add,:-} exactly what I was TRYING to say but stammered around it.
Ok, I’m going to be very honest here. I don’t do alot of spells becuz I hold ALOT of animosity in my heart, I realize it but don’t know what to do about it. I’ve prayed and prayed. I’ve tried to meditate for years but can’t seem to clear my mind enuff and my emotions fly in so many colors, spinning like a hurricane, in my head that I can’t seem to focus or grab hold of any semblance of clarity. Does that sound insane? Lord, I hope not! Lol, I don’t think I’m crazy at least. :-}
So, that’s the real reason I have only done maybe 3 spells in my life. I’m actually afraid of my own intentions and I’m afraid that I would unintentionally do harm, due to deep seeded resentments I’ve buried. Do u think I’m being too extreme or too cautious?
I rarely tell ppl I’m a witch for the very reasons u mentioned in this article. I also don’t know any other witches personally so I don’t have anyone other than my husband to talk to about these things. He, himself is VERY gifted but he also chooses to be a bit darker with his craft than what suits me and we tend to butt heads when we try to discuss “the craft” too deeply. He’s also much more advanced than I am and I’m, admittedly, not a very willing student. Mainly due to his dark nature.
Anyway, I really enjoyed reading and participating in this article, Summer.
Thanks again & as always blessings. ☀
Hi Jaz, I don’t think it is too cautious if you choose not to work spells. I have been on occasion to angry to work a spell. We all have a dark side and as long as we are aware of our dark nature I think we can make the right choices. I don’t think choosing not to work magick is crazy at all by the way. I feel it is a personal choice. You can always find me on Facebook or Google+. Here is a link to my facebook Summer Song Facebook I am always accepting of new friends. Love & Light to you and your family
Hi Sunny, I actually added witches digest to my circles on g+
I would really apreciate corresponding with u on a more private forum as there are some things i would want to ask or talk about which I wouldn’t want just anyone to see, more personal things that I could really use some suggestions with.
Idk if u can see my email address but if not let me know and u’ll send it to u.
Thank you for the response.
Im happy to have read this article, ive been able to narrow down how i really feel and have gained from all the comments made. I was wanting to cast a truth spell because I feel i’ve been purposely and continuously misled. I cannot figure why and it more the why of the mater than the actual misleading that bothers me the most. I am still no sure on what the best way to handle it is but at least i was able to sort out my feelings. I have jump the gun and have had things backfire on me a couple times and I’m trying to be more careful and cautious so that my emotions dont get the best of me. More advice would be greatly appreciated if anyone wants to help.
AmberRose, Being deceived by someone is a betrayal. There are many reasons Why someone would be deceptive. It is important to remember that no matter how deceptive other are, always try to speak your truth. The truth as you know it. If you can’t answer a question honestly, try not to give an answer.
My reply is not the only answer but it is one perspective on it. When I was married to my second husband, he lied to me from the very beginning the very first moment I met him. He lied about his legal situation and his crime he had committed, he lied about his intentions, he lied about his drug addictions and alcohol abuse. He lied about his spiritual beliefs and even what decent he is. The longer I was with him, the more lies he told.
The situation for me grew more insane, abusive, and isolating. For my own survival, until I could figure out how I could escape the situation, I had to know the truth of what was happening and I needed to be aware of his deceptions. I tried to escape on several occasions and let me say, the battered women’s shelter in that area was a joke, not a refuge.
I only had one stone left because my captor had already begun to pawn or trade for drugs everything I had that was of any interest or value to do so. As my magickal tools and supplies began to dwindle down, I grabbed a Tiger’s Eye. While he was gone making his drug deals and committing crimes or other sleazy behavior. I took the chances I had to charge that stone with intent. I worked on that stone every day for 7 days.
I focused on the truth being revealed and that if anyone lied to me or tried to deceive me, the truth would be revealed. It was revealed not only by my awareness that it was a lie but the evidence to confront him would plop itself into my very hands within 3 days of the lie.
He couldn’t figure out how it always happened that way and how I always knew he was lying and realized, he can not lie to me. The only thing is with that was I could not Lie either. I could not be deceptive because it was fairly given that within 3 days the deception would be revealed.
In my case, it was money. He would take every penny from every paycheck and even when I tried to hide or conceal the money, he would find it. I couldn’t even hide rent money, a bank card or any other form of currency. That is how it worked for me.
The biggest part of the deception and how well it works is that it depends on our trust. I have since become extremely untrustful of anyone until they have proved through the evidence of their actions and facts to deserve that powerful and vulnerable thing called trust.
I am not rude and I don’t go around calling everyone a liar but I take what people say without much weight unless it can be fact-checked. I no longer give trust away freely. That is not a good thing to do. It gives others power that is so often abused. Sometimes, deception uses a twisted version of the truth to help the deception have a ring of truth. That is part of the deception and how it works.
If you really want to know the “why” people deceive you, ask yourself how much trust was this person granted instead of earned. Also, consider how often you saw them lie or deceive others first hand and how often they try to employ you to help them deceive others. It is often simply because they can.
Remember to fact-check what they say and never take anything at face value. Also, beware of word-of-mouth witnesses or testimonies that can not be verified or fact-checked. They may be a tool used as part of the deception. That sounds paranoid but when you are in a tangled web of deceit and lies and you discover you’re constantly being deceived, you have to understand how lies and deception depend on trust.
Don’t grant trust. It must be earned. People betray others simply because they can. I hope this is helpful. It isn’t the only answer but it is something to consider. 🙂
Blessings to you
Love the article. Was hoping you could point me in the right way to find pertecon spells and enlightenment spells. It seems like I’m getting bad everything for a while and my husband has turned into someone I don’t know that makes me feel like I can’t do anything right and stops me from seeing my 13y old girl. Would like to enlightened him to see he no longer loves me and needs to let me go please.
I’m sorry, I don’t know of a particular source for protection spells. I do have one I share on here called the mirror of reflection spell. You can look for spellbooks. It probably won’t be just protection spells but there are some basic components to use for protection. Sage is for cleansing, protection, and blessings. Lavender is to attract friendship, love, romance and can be used for protection. You can burn them or place them around your home. depends on what’s happening really. the app has some quick reference to look at or you can look online. Do a google search for protection spells. They are everywhere. you can use essential oils and there are stones that are good for protection. You can place them around your home in stone grids or you use them at the four corners of your home. the best magick you create yourself.