This year has been a difficult year for me. If you have been reading my not so frequent posts this year, I am sure you know I have been struggling with illness.
For a Witch, being ill for a long time, new disabilities or news of a terminal illness can be more than just physically devastating or even emotionally in the usual way. For the experienced Witch, there are often many social issues that arise. Others begin to question your knowledge as a magic user, or they will accuse you of being less of a “real” Witch because you can’t heal yourself. And if you even think about asking for advice or even a little help, it is at risk of being assumed to be a novice, unknowledgeable, and not credible as a Healing Witch. Much like the story of Job in the Christian bible who was accused of sin because of the boils, he was inflicted with. After all, they had to be a punishment from God, the sick Witch is looked upon with scrutiny from some of her peers.
I have “experienced” practitioners in my circle and some of them are amazingly understanding, helpful and compassionate. I also have some that have never and will never read an article I have written because I don’t have Academic Degrees and will not list Whom I have “studied” Witchcraft under or what groups I have been in, Yada Yada, Bull Crap.
This year, I discovered a bunch about myself, what it means to be a Witch and the difference between closed-minded Know-it-alls and the true Witch. Some of the truest most powerful witches I know are the humble ones who are open to learning from others and know that no matter how experienced or educated they become, NO ONE knows everything.
We are all biological human beings and we are all learning something, although, some may be on a different part of the journey, We are all still on the journey.
I have had amazing news about my health this week. First of all, I am not terminal. Phew! I am relieved. I am now recovering from a surgery and my illness that seemed so devastating this year has been easily treatable and curable. Yes, I had my wonderful magick users to thank and learned that sometimes in order for a witch to heal herself, It means being able to recognize the need for and ask for help. That doesn’t make her less of a Witch, it means she is smart enough to know that human beings are part of a whole web of life and being interdependent is not the same as being dependent, weak or needy.
yes, I learned many valuable lessons this year. My only regret is that I had to go through such hardship to truly understand.
I also was given an opportunity to discover a medical issue that I would never have been aware of until it was too late had I not gotten so sick.
Yes, Witches get sick and yes, Witches Die and No, they are no less of a Witch because they can’t just take a herb or say a spell and heal themselves. Yes, real Witches who are skilled magick users and/or healers of some kind need help sometimes too. It is part of existing in this physical body and being a human being.
In Love and Light,
Yes ! Thank you for sharing. I also became afflicted with a life-changing injury, and still deal with it everyday. It took an emense toll on me psychologically as well. I too had all this guilt that I couldn’t use my magic and the gifts of nature to heal myself no matter how hard I wanted it. I had to turn to western medicine. I felt guilty. What was wrong with me ? Why couldn’t I overcome this with my knowledge, mind over matter, etc ? I had to relinquish and rely on wester medicine. So witches can be kind of hard on ourselves. It is all a journey and we still live in a material world, with the physical body and the lessons attatched to the earthly realms. We all just do the best we can and love each other (& ourselved) through it. Thank you for sharing. I am glad you are better. Love your app. )0(
Thank you so much for commenting with your valuable perspective. 🙂 sharing helps others in many ways even if we don’t know it.
I also have a chronic illness and people ask why can I not heal myself or that it is karma kicking me on the butt. Very few are genuinely concerned but at least those who are, are great people. In my darker moments I wonder what I did to bring all this pain on myself.
Blessings to you all.
And it happens way too often and to me is more of a display of a lack of compassion on their part. One thing for us to remember is that being sick or even when tragedy happens to us or anything we may perceive as negative or bad, really isn’t BAD at all. It isn’t always about Karma, or what we have done or didn’t do. It isn’t even really anything Bad or Good. Sometimes it just is what it is. It just IS. However, how we react or respond to the situation can create something out of it. What can we learn from the experience? In what way will this help me grow as a human being? How can I use this to my advantage or can I use my suffering to help others? In doing a Challenge and going through this year of debilitating illness has actually brought me to realize so much about my lifetime of tragedies. One big realization I have come to understand is that no matter how much I have suffered, if I can help one person in any way, my suffering wasn’t for nothing. Helping others can help us in our own healing. Remember, Mind, Body, and Spirit works together. We all grow old and disease is a part of the human experience and compassion for others sometimes comes only from our own experiences. We have all asked, What did I do to deserve this? Sometimes, yes, it is a direct result of a choice we’ve made, but not always. It is those of us who have suffered genetic diseases, child abuse or other harsh experiences that really had nothing to do with our choices or actions or even a lack of action that helps us to understand how it really affects us. Sometimes all we had to do was be born. Cheers to all of us who can understand and have compassion for others because of these experiences. It is how we can help each other. That beautiful human connection between us all.
Oh dear Sister, healing & blessings to you! I have just found this app & I am so glad! Not only the app but the digest must’ve called to me. I am also disabled & just seriously getting onto my path. It amazes me when other”witches” who have degrees or brag about being “High priestess of the highest order”…lol. Witches don’t brag or cut others down. We love & heal & sometimes give a kick in the pants to someone who needs it 🙂 A witch is YOU! A witch is me. And we don’t run around announcing it to the world but we take care of the world. And sometimes we need help. Blessings on your journey & thank you for being you, a Witch!
Thank you. <3 you have no idea how much I needed to hear that right now. I think many of us need to hear that once in a while to remind us of who we are and why we made this choice. Much love and Blessings to you Sister.
Thankyou for sharing. I strive to be humble daily. I haven’t let many know that I’m a witch who believes in some of the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially on love. Grew up Catholic yet was always drawn to Wicca, then come to find out I can also just be an electic witch as you are. I’ve just discovered your app. I love it. One thing that has always turned me off is rules. And being a person who enjoys being and doing good in our world I’m more susceptible to karmic belief. Healing spells, I believe, are more for our spirits when casted than our physical entity. After all, we are biological humans living a spiritual experience.
Thankyou. I look forward to following you and getting advice and direction from you.
Yes! That is such a true statement. I believe that Jesus had a lot of good things to teach us. I am in agreement with your perspective. I’m glad you like the app. 🙂 I really hope that we can all learn and guide each other by voicing our views and opinions to expand our perspectives while still being able to think for ourselves.
Absolutely Summer Song.